How To Synchronize Your Bookmarks / Favorites Across Multiple Browsers

Imagine if your favorites/bookmarks could be automatically synchronized across every computer you use. Do you want to have the same bookmarks on your home computer that you have on your work computer? Do you want the same bookmarks on your laptop that you have on your desktop? Or do you use multiple browsers such as Firefox, Internet Explorer and even the Safari browser?

With Xmarks, you can now “seamlessly synchronize bookmarks across all your computers”!!!

Just download and install this free bookmarking tool, sign-up for your free account, and you’re ready to go. Download to each computer you use and download the proper version for each browser you use. That’s all you have to do! From then on, all of your bookmarks & favorites will be synchronized!

Plus, you’ll always have an online backup of all of your bookmarks! So if (when?) your computer crashes, you don’t have to worry about losing all of your bookmarked websites! And, since they’re online, you can even access them from someone else’s computer; just login to your account at and your bookmarks will be there.

One more great feature is that you can use Xmarks online to organize, reorganize or cleanup your bookmarks. Just drag bookmarks around to different folders, delete bookmarks, create or delete folders, etc. All of those changes will then synchronize from your account on the Xmarks website down to every computer and browser where you have installed xmarks!

It is easy to use, it’s free! I have been using Xmarks for about 6 months and for me it has become indispensable. But I’m not alone. Xmarks has been downloaded over 14 million times and has synchronized over 775 million bookmarks.

Okay, so what’s the catch? Well the folks who made it are not completely altruistic. They’re actually building one of the largest “search engines” in the world showing and ranking websites by how often they have been bookmarked. Makes sense, doesn’t it?


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Posted in Cool Tips, Tools & How To's.