Local SEO for B2B Companies for Everywhere You Want To Be Found

Local SEO is critical for any small or mid-size business, including industrial B2B companies. B2B companies know that their customers and potential customers can be local, or 200 miles away, or anywhere beyond or in between. But search engine algorithms are not setup to help you with that!
Google and other search engines are oriented to local, consumer businesses. They skew the search results to "local" providers based on proximity to the person doing the search. You need to do business in cities and towns well beyond your own location... So how can you rank well "locally" fifty or a hundred miles away?
The first thing is to be able to measure your local search rankings anywhere. You need to see precisely how you rank for your keywords based on different geographic points away from where you're actually located. New SEO tools help us find this information so that we can improve your local SEO everywhere that you want to be found, whether that is right in your town or 300 miles away.
Step #1 is measuring your local search ranking results in areas where you want to be found with a Local SEO search ranking grid report.
Local Search Ranking Grid Report - Do You Dominate Locally Everywhere?
This local SEO grid image shows Google search results for the search term "hydraulic fittings" at grid points throughout central and eastern North Carolina and in south-central and south-east Virginia.
This grid of local SEO ranking results for the keyword phrase "hydraulic fittings" shows...
- At the center point where the example company is located, they rank #1 (green circle). That rank is for a search done by someone in close proximity to to the green circle. You should always rank well right in your backyard but it is more challenging the farther out you go.
- There are two yellow grid points with a rank of 5 and one orange grid point with a search engine ranking of 7 for the term "hydraulic fittings." These were for searches done in those respective locations. In this example, the grid points are located approximately 50 miles apart.
- The rest of the grid points are red and show very poor search result rankings, as identified by the rank # in the circles. So basically, the farther away from the location of the company (near the green circle), the worse the search ranking results are. This is common for most B2B companies and industrial B2B companies.
In this example, a company in or near Norfolk, Virginia (top-right red circle) that has someone searching for "hydraulic fittings" is not going to find the hydraulic fittings company which is located at the center point (green circle) because even though the hydraulic fittings company ranks #1 where they're located (green circle), they rank #20 or higher for the exact same search being done by someone in the Norfolk area. And even if the company has a great website with good on-site \optimization for "hydraulic fittings", it doesn't matter. Because search results heavily favor providers that are in local proximity to the person doing the search.
So if you want to rank well "locally" everywhere you need to be found in the search results, we can help you. First, we'll measure your local search rankings anywhere you want to be found and we'll create a visual, local SEO search ranking grid reports. Then we'll work with you to plan and implement our GEO-SEO Mini-Blog program to help you rank higher locally everywhere! Get in touch with us today to start the conversation!
Sample Table for Tracking Local Grid Rankings
The table below shows a pretty passive effort at getting nearby local ranking for the keywords "hydraulic fittings". These measurements happened from approximately March 2020 to November 2020 at the height of economic challenges during the pandemic, so they're a bit skewed from where they could otherwise be.
But the chart shows how effort plus time, even to a small degree, can slightly increase ranking nearby for your best keywords. A concerted effort would definitely turn more of the geo-data points green and yellow for top 8 rankings.